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We are convinced that all children have  a high potential, but at a different pace and intensity.

Children who have been diagnosed with fast ultra-connected brain function often lack recognition, autonomy, emulation and  support  in traditional educational systems.

We want to give them a course adapted to their needs in a peaceful and well-supervised environment, where they can finally feel at home.

The trio 'Bilingualism - Active and Interdisciplinary Pedagogies - Learning-by-doing' forms an ideal learning context for HQI children, where motivation, autonomy and curiosity loom large!

To families wishing to answer the specific needs of their HQI children, our school is in partnership with a specialist psychologist on all matters of giftedness. Throughout the year, she also trains and accompanies our educational team to offer the best to all children.

 Call us every morning (Monday to Friday) from 8am to 6pm:


+336 30 04 59 25

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Notre école a tissé des liens avec les partenaires locaux comme Komono Circus, Cap Sciences, La Ferme du Loup, T en Leyre, le Parc de la Coccinelle, le Battle Kart d'Arcachon, Laser Game Laser Lander et Aqualand.

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© Copyright 2019 by EIBA

The International School of the Arcachon Basin is a bilingual English nursery and primary school alternative *Montessori pedagogies, Singapore and Learning-by-doing projects*

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