The International School of the Bassin d'Arcachon will grow at the same time as its students.
Our training allows all our students to continue our course until Baccalauréat International,
as well as returning to a classic course at any time with solid foundations and fluent English in addition!
The benefits of Nature have been studied extensively, demonstrating that playing and learning daily in the forest allows children to have better cognitive functions, easier focus, more fertile creativity, and greater enjoyment of life.
This is why learners at the international school are often outside to listen, observe, learn, study, but also to run, play and relax.
The Arcachon Bay is a paradise for students, we have the ocean, beaches and forest.
They learn to recognize the plants, flowers, birds and insects that surround them, to cultivate the land in an eco-responsible way, from seed to harvest and also to develop their culinary skills.
Cooking is a great playground for learning mathematics!
To gently educate our learners about their social responsibility, we organize in partnership with local associations: A beach cleaning day, environmental awareness, protection of coastal birds.

Peace education is an integral part of the international school curriculum, responding to children's need for justice and meaning about the purpose of life and their need for belonging to the great chain of humanity.
Every day, children learn to develop their emotional intelligence, their interpersonal skills with benevolent communication, their ability to discern and detach from conflict, negotiate for win-win solutions and affirm their own worth.
We consider recreation and transitions times as essential moments of sociability, during which children need support to learn to play and interact together in a respectful way. We offer them this firm and benevolent framework for a live-together without violence, a harmonious group life.
Peace education makes it possible to respond to the needs of meaning and interdependence of children by inscribing them in the great chain of humanity. It develops their openness to the world and their capacity for discernment.
Grandir au sein d'une école internationale permet d'être sensibilisé au multiculturalisme dès le plus jeune âge. Le multiculturalisme de notre école, permet à votre enfant à un stade précoce, de ne pas développer de préjugés à l’égard de personnes d’autres cultures et d’autres couleurs de peau, mais au contraire de s'ouvrir au monde et à la tolérance. Cette ouverture sur le monde est un pas de plus vers un monde de paix pour offrir un avenir meilleur à nos enfants.

Children need emotional security to be able to unleash their potentials at school.
We are aware that children learn by exemplarity, so we work every day to embody it more in our empathic listening, in our words, our intonations of confident and rewarding voices, and in the firm and reassuring rules that we hold for the harmony of all.
Kindness is the source of every intention of the school team.
The discipline within our institution follows the Canadian method E.S.T.I.M.E, no punishment, exclusion or reward, but a positive reframing by the explanation and the responsibility of its acts.