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Dear parents,


Thanks to you, we were able to adapt our correspondence teaching in order to respond to the growing demand. That way, we can maintain the great progression of our students and a strong social link essential to everyone's moral ! 

It's also thanks to the parents/teacher's cooperation that this success could have taken shape.

1. Bilingual virtual class every day (30 minutes for 2-6 y.o. and 2 hours for 6-11 y.o.)

2. We send you the weekly planning, your child's personal plan and teaching support every Sunday. You just need to print everything and give it to your child, ready for Monday morning. 

3. Teacher's Availability : everyday by email or by virtual appointment to answer your questions.

4. Individual coaching of the students on FaceTime.

Planning Special Confinement Maternelle.
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 Call us every morning (Monday to Friday) from 8am to 6pm:


+336 30 04 59 25

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Notre école a tissé des liens avec les partenaires locaux comme Komono Circus, Cap Sciences, La Ferme du Loup, T en Leyre, le Parc de la Coccinelle, le Battle Kart d'Arcachon, Laser Game Laser Lander et Aqualand.

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© Copyright 2019 by EIBA

The International School of the Arcachon Basin is a bilingual English nursery and primary school alternative *Montessori pedagogies, Singapore and Learning-by-doing projects*

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