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Learning foreign languages ​​- especially in the context of bilingualism from an early age - leads to greater cognitive flexibility, significantly increases the lexical field as well as the analytical and logical skills of the child.

Bilingual pupils develop the art of living together, are better prepared for the multicultural world and increase their chances of professional success by 35%!

At the International School of Arcachon Bay, our learners get the full benefit of a real French Immersion all Morning & an English immersion all Afternoon. Our Teachers are  native  speakers. This linguistic and cultural bath places the child in a situation of permanent formation.

Immersion allows the children to acquire a real practice of the language, understand without difficulty and  express  themselves with ease quickly.
Throughout the school year,  your child is welcome during our
Kids Club for fun activities in English immersion:

- Every Wednesday at our Wednesday Club 

- Every  school holidays at our Holiday Club


Learning foreign languages and being bilingual very early allows children to acquire a greater cognitive flexibility, a wider lexical field of words as well as better analytical knowledge into complex systems.

Bilingual children learn to live together and are fully prepared to the multiculturalism. Bilingual children increase their chances of having a wealthier career by 35%!

To ensure that immersion is complete, students follow a complete bilingual program, with French classes in the mornings and English ones in the Afternoon. All teachers are native of course.

Immersion allows children to practice fluently very quickly.

To reinforce the bilingualism, we encourage the families to travel once a year in a English speaking country to practice.

At EIBA, we also offer extra out-of-school programs to reinforce English learning. Every Wednesday at the Wednesday Club and during the second week of each holiday at the Holiday Club.

Belonging to an International school, allows children to be open minded and tolerant. This enables them to be aware of prejudices, assumptions and accept children of different cultures or skin colors.

This opening up to the world is, we hope,  a step towards peace and to make the world a better place for our children.

 Call us every morning (Monday to Friday) from 8am to 6pm:


+336 30 04 59 25

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Notre école a tissé des liens avec les partenaires locaux comme Komono Circus, Cap Sciences, La Ferme du Loup, T en Leyre, le Parc de la Coccinelle, le Battle Kart d'Arcachon, Laser Game Laser Lander et Aqualand.

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© Copyright 2019 by EIBA

The International School of the Arcachon Basin is a bilingual English nursery and primary school alternative *Montessori pedagogies, Singapore and Learning-by-doing projects*

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